What Is Faith?

Hebrews 11:1
"It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see." - NLT

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Epitaph

I wondered today,what will I be remembered for. If I died today, what would be written on my epitaph. I wondered, am I walking in such a way, that everything that I do, is seen as one who loves the Lord and his family?

I think the words of Isiah 30:21 say it best "Whether you turn to the right, or to the left; your ears will hear a voice behind you saying "This is the way, walk in it".


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Awake, O Sleeper

"Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light." Ephesians 5:14

Absolutely one of my favorite versus. I remember the first time I walked into Celebrate Recovery, feeling like an outcast, a sense of not belonging. Not only did CR give me the tools to help me with my anger, but more importantly it enabled to have a true relationship with Christ. It is like the verse above, I felt as if I were dead or in a deep sleep, only to be awaken by Jesus.

My life still has it challenges, it's ups and downs, but I can never deny the work my Lord and Savior has done in my life. This sleeper has been awaken..................................................


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wonderous Works of God

"Stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God" - Job 37:14 

I was just pondering how it is that sometimes in the midst of life, getting frustrated over something, wishing for something different or new, etc., I forget to just stop and consider the wonderful things God has already done in my life.

A wonderful wife who is a great mother and can cook :), being a dad, spending time with our children, a roof over our heads, food on the table, a Church Family, freedom to worship our Lord without tyranny, a job.......when I stand still and consider all the wonderous works of God in my life, I realize I already have everything I could ever want or need.


Friday, January 6, 2012

Sailors With Jonah

I find it interesting how I can read a passage in the Bible several times, yet discover a new message that has been there all along. This happened as I was reading the book of Jonah this morning, within the following passage -"Then the sailors picked Jonah up and threw him into the raging sea, and the storm stopped at once! The sailors were awestruck by the Lord's great power, and they offered him a sacrifice and vowed to serve him." (Jonah 1:15-16) We all know the whale swallows Jonah and then spits him up later, but I am captured by how God used this same circumstance to minister to those sailors on the boat. Back in verse 5 we read "Fearing for their lives, the desperate sailors shouted to their gods for help..." within 10 verses the sailors turn from their own beliefs to serving our Lord.

How many times have I gone through a difficult situation or trial, not knowing what God's purpose is, wondering what wisdom I may gain from it; not realizing that the Lord may be using my trial to benefit others as well. I find comfort in this story, as it is a great reminder to me, that the Lord never wastes a hurt or trial.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Dying with the most toys

I was listening to "American Dream" by the Casting Crowns today when the following lyrics struck a heart cord with me:

"He used to say, 'Whoever dies with the most toys wins'
But if he loses his soul, what has he gained in the end
I'll take a shack on the rock
Over a castle in the sand
Now he works all day and cries alone at night
It's not getting any better
Looks like he's running out of time
'Cause he worked and he built with his own two hands
And he poured all he had in a castle made with sand"

How many times have I thought about the material things I want or thought I needed in life. I can remember when everything revolved around obtaining the home, having a car, needing the latest phone or gadget. Working late, being gone from home all the time for my job just to provide for the family........but as the song says, I was building my home in the sand. Realizing that I began to lose my focus on How great and beautiful my God is and the gifts he has given me. My family is only temporary, opportunities to share Gods love, being an example of Gods grace, moments in time that are more precious than any material item I could ever possess.

I relish on the lyric "I'll take a shack on the rock Over a castle in the sand" if living in a shack means having time for my Lord, my family, and the company of friends, I would gladly take it. Time is short, I must remember to live in the now, not in guilt over my past or worry over the future. I have given my past to God, I must do the same for my future, and enjoy this life and the people he has graciously placed in my path.

Thank you Lord, for the reminder - AZ

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jesus's Birthday Gift

As we celebrate Christ's birth, a thought came to my mind. As we shop for mom, dad, the kids, friends, etc., what does Jesus want for his birthday. It is easy to say peace, to be sin free, but is there something more personal that we can give, something deserving of the King that stepped down from his throne to die for our sins.

I feel it is a question with many answers. For me, I feel he would like my unconditional love and to show that same love to everyone. Sounds cliche I know, perhaps even biblical, but if it is not completely who I am, then perhaps it is what I can completely give.